Ainsley Baker
Midlands, WalesAinsley has been a Consultant since 1995, working with dairy, livestock and food businesses. He specialises in reviews, business planning and the preparation of budgets and cashflows.
Ainsley manages a program for dairy farmers…

Tim Davies
Midlands, North East, North West, Scotland, WalesTim has more than 30 years experience as a specialist farm animal nutritionist and works across the Midlands, North of England and Wales as well collaborating on nutrition research in the UK, Europe and the USA.
Tim's areas of expertise include…

John Allen
Ireland, Midlands, National, North East, North West, Scotland, South East, South West, WalesJohn's areas of expertise include strategic planning, marketing, supply chain management and change management. He works with some of the UK's leading farmers as well as major food and dairy processors and retailers.

Neil Blackburn
Midlands, North West, WalesNeil has over 30 years of consultancy experience, specialising in the dairy sector across Wales and the Midlands. Neil's areas of expertise include business management, strategic planning, dairy nutrition and technical consultancy. Neil provides…